Guenter and Ulrike Krallmann
Joined GLOBE:
Switzerland, all around the world
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Joined GLOBE:
Switzerland, all around the world
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For six years they worked in the German centre Schloss Hurlach. Guenter was responsible for publications and this capacity founded – together with Albrecht Fietz – the magazine “der Auftrag” (‘the mission’). Until 1984 he was its editor-in-chief.
During that year the Krallmann family followed God’s call to Southafica from where where Guenter started pioneer missionary work in Lesotho.
His experiences on the field led to the publication of the discipleship manual “Following Jesus” (1986), the leadership training guide “Leading with Jesus” (1989) and the comprehensive study “Mentoring for Mission” (1992).
In 1994 Guenter and Ulrike moved their family to England from where Guenter continued an extensive international teaching and training ministry for the next decade. Core themes were Jesus-style Leadership Training, Mentoring, Revival, Holiness and Deeper Life in Christ.
His book “Deeper Life in Christ” was published in 1995, five years later the leadership study “From Potential to Power” came out, and in 2002 Guenter wrote the personal study guide “Heart Preparation for Revival”.
Since 2004 Guenter and Ulrike, as well as their children, have been resident in Norway Their call and desire is to help prepare the ground for the revival God has promised the nation for a number of years.
At the same time their international ministry – with particular emphasis on Switzerland, Germany, England and Spain – seeks to facilitate mature leadership, holy living and personal revival.
Günter’s latest book “Aglow with the Glory of God” (2011) is meant to serve that purpose as well.
Ulrike works in staff care and development in YWAM Oslo.
The Krallmanns have been closely linked with Globe Mission (formerly Globe Europe) since its inception and are the ‘longest serving’ German missionaries. Guenter has been involved with Globe’s development through teaching and strategic input.