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Globe Mission is a member and co-founder of the Association of Pentecostal and Charismatic Mission Societies (APCM e.V.), an umbrella organization of more than 60 German mission societies and sending churches.
The work done by Globe missionaries on a daily basis would not be possible were it not for Globe’s networking with other missionary organizations. The APCM oversees around 500 German and 1,500 non-German full-time workers around the globe. Within the APCM, many different missionary organizations develop strategies and guidelines for worldwide Christian ministry.
Further, as an umbrella organization the APCM organizes conferences and training sessions on topical issues in cross-cultural missions, allowing member organizations to regularly update their ministries and to implement strategy effectively and transparently.
For more than ten years Globe Mission has provided opportunities for young volunteers to serve abroad. This, too, has been possible thanks to Globe’s membership in the APCM, an approved facilitator of the IJFD (the International Youth Volunteers Service) and the weltwärts – “world-wards” – program.
As a founding member, Globe Mission has been part of the network since 1994. As of 1998, the APCM is the official umbrella organization for Pentecostal and Charismatic missionary societies in Germany. Globe Mission’s director Andreas Pestke serves on the association’s board of directors.
To read more about the APCM, visit their homepage.