God’s call

After more than 20 years of living in Germany, I still remember exactly the time when Jan and I said that we would follow the Lord everywhere in this world – but not to Germany.

You might ask now how it was possible that we invested our life precisely here, that we worked precisely here in a country and among people – and enjoyed our work – when we did not consider it possible at the beginning?

It is because of God’s call.

God‘s work does not tell us that God first calls the capable ones but that He enables the called ones. God is looking for vessels that He can fill with Himself, not vessels that are already filled with themselves. But with those who are empty He can do impossible things, because they have to trust Him completely.

I remember that we felt really incapable when we followed the calling to Germany. Incapable to communicate understandably, because we did not know the language and culture. Incapable and therefore completely dependent on God, who had to enable us and carry us through.

One of the important lessons that we as a family had to learn were:

With his call, God also gives the potential to fulfill it.

  1. God’s call is creative. It brings a growing faith in the called ones.
  2. God’s call urges the called ones to work at their character.
  3. The called ones put their trust more and more in God and become bolder in their faith.

Furthermore, we realized that God goes certain steps with the people he wants to use to bring His glory, His life and His message to the world:

  1. God takes the initiative by calling people.
  2. In His calling, He reveals Himself and tests the heart attitudes of the called ones.
  3. This revelation of God produces a desire in the called ones to be like Jesus.
  4. The called ones learn that God will meet all their needs of strength and ability as they reach out for it.
  5. Afterwards, in His time, God will reveal the details about the task, the time, the aim and the purpose.
  6. Then, God will test the ministry as well as the servant.

Article by Brad Thurston. The information was summarized from a lecture by Günter Krallmann. Translated from German by Natalie Cuc.

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