Book Recommendations
Spiritual Equipping for Mission: Thriving as God’s Message Bearers
by Ryan Shaw
Excerpt from a review by Tony Horsefall:
“the author is passionate about helping mission partners (or ‘message bearers’ as he prefers to call them) develop their inner lives in order to thrive personally and be more effective in their task. He states, ‘The Great Commission is a spiritual work, not merely a strategic one. It’s effectively served through spiritual people, full of the Holy Spirit, obedient to Jesus, consistently tending the garden of their inner life (p14).’ I could not agree more.
What is interesting is that Shaw writes as someone who is clearly an activist yet who appreciates the need for inwardness. He is a fourth generation ‘message bearer’ who has travelled to more than 50 countries and lived and worked in several of them. He is a mission leader and mobiliser, focussed on the task, yet keen to remind us that to be effective in mission requires us to develop and maintain ‘a solid, spiritual, inner life’ (p21), something which he asserts is often sadly neglected.”
New book about “Third Culture Kids”: Between Worlds
Great new resource for understanding TCKs
Between Worlds, a new book about the joys and struggles of growing to adulthood as a Third Culture Kid (TCK), just came out. The author, Marilyn Gardner, grew up in Pakistan and went on to raise five of her own TCKs in Pakistan, Egypt, Massachusetts and Arizona. The book is poignant, funny, and thought-provoking. And the chapters are short and very readable.
The book is available at Amazon:
Resource List for Missionary Family Care
Contains a lot of information on children: