Via our umbrella organisation, the APCM, we can recommend projects in Mozambique, Nicaragua, or Peru, as well as in several other countries.
While the APCM facilitates the application process, Globe can advise applicants and help them decide whether the volunteers service is right for them.
Our Goals within the APCM as the Umbrella Organization
In their one-year service volunteersc
- gain new experiences,
- discern global interconnections,
- experience personal growth,
- discover new ablities,
- take on challenges,
- get to know different ways of life,
- find profesisonal direction,
- possibly develop new views, and
- get to enjoy the work they do.
Partnering organizations benefit from
- support and practical help in their day-to-day operations,
- members to enrich their team as well as the project
- one or more volunteers who
- show an interest in the people
- are enthusiastic about their work
- contribute new ideas.