Candidate School – Feedback
My Candidate School – Feedback from Students
“If I had taken this Candidate School and gone with this Sending Agency, I can only imagine how different and more fruitful my first missionary experience would have been. The session on Cultures and Leadership Styles is invaluable in working as a team and understanding effective evangelism.”
“Our calling was clear, but we were unsure about the next steps to take. That is why we applied to the candidate school. The end result is that we know what steps we can take next, and with whom. Somehow we had a general idea, but it’s often helpful to hear things from people with practical experience. In addition to making new friends, we now feel that we will be supported to the maximum. It’s not just an individual vision we are pursuing, but a shared burden for the Kingdom of God, in which we all play different roles. I would recommend this training to those who were in our position: our calling was pretty clear, but we were in need of assurance and practical advice.”
“I came to Globe Mission Candidate School as a missionary already on the field. The one thing that impacted me most from the training was the emphasis on 2 Timothy 2:2, teaching and raising up others in the things God has given to you. It is a simple concept but since returning to the field it has changed my whole perspective. I do not want to create ministries or jobs for myself but am evaluating all I am doing to see how I can train others to do it and pass it on. The school helped me see the strategy of Jesus in multiplication and how he also invites us to be strategic.”
“Candidate School, an awesome preparation for the field! My personal highlight was the introduction to different cultures. Understanding culture is the door opener to other cultures!”
Candidate school will open your mind to see the mission field from a wider perspective. It opened my eyes to know more about myself and the gifts God has given me and equipped me with the right tools to build a successful ministry: everything starts with a vision… I discovered what type of personality I have and how I can work to improve myself –how I can give the best of myself on the mission field no matter where God sends me or which culture I face. Candidate school is really worth the investment!!!
all Informations!
These are the teachers from the candidate school …